
Pictures of Muir Woods National Monument, 12 miles north of the Golden Gate Bridge. Redwood-like trees covered much of the Northern Hemisphere 140 million years ago.  As climate changed redwood range retreated. Now there are two species of redwood in california, with limited ranges.  The coast redwood grows on a thin and discontinuous, 500-mile strip of Pacific coast from southern Oregon to Monterey. Most old-growth coast redwoods have been cut, but some are protected in Redwood National and State Parks, many California and Oregon state parks, and here in Muir Woods.  This canyon of redwoods was never logged. Its forest of mixed-age and dead trees suports a biologically rich community of plants and animals.

The coast redwood is the worlds tallest living thing.   Bohemian and Cathedral groves have the biggest trees in Muir Woods.

The closely related sequoia grows larger in diameter and greater in bulk but is shorter than the coast redwood. Its range is restricted to small groves on the Sierra Navada's west slope, and can be seen in Yosemite and Sequoia and King's Canyon national parks.

The redwood grows to a height of 367.8 feet, an age of 2000 years, a diameter of 22 feet and at breast height the bark is 12 inches thick

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